Thursday, February 16, 2012

Look kids, Big Ben!

Roundabouts are seriously the best thing to happen to roadways since the invention of roadways. I now take a new route through Zionsville to get to work (Thanks for the tip, UB and AK) that saves me about 15 minutes of drive time and cuts the traffic down to being almost nonexistent.  Another perk to this route is the abundance of the roundabout.  I go through about nine intersections during my commute and six of them are fitted with roundabouts.  These aren’t the little cheesy roundabouts of Carmel either, these are the big guys that you can go about 40-50 mph through.  Of course, I stick closer to the 40 area.  The van is a little top heavy and I’d hate to call Mom with the news that I toppled over because I was having too much fun driving in a circle.  Having a boring desk job has really got me excited about the little things.  Along with the roundabout I now am thrilled to tangle with the vending machine.  The other day I won a heated battle with the machine over some M&M’s.  This heated battle really just included me getting an extra bag of regular M&M’s with my intended purchase of the peanut ones.  It’s not every day that you get a 2 for 1 deal from the vending machine!  To thank the vending machine Gods, I left my extra 5 cents in the change drop.  Karma is real, friends.

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